The Neubauer Initiative #2 – Regahdin’ My Beloved Marie-Renee

Prompt #2:

Write a story about a trap door that is not a mystery or a suspense story. Instead, make it a sweet, old-fashioned love story.

Also, include people with two different accents and bring it to a happy ending before you hit 400 words.

How’d it evah ‘appen? I couldna imagined, not nevah in my life, tings getting’ like this. If I coulda gone back in time to tha mid-nineties, back to Long Island City, back to tha little bedroom in dat apahtment cryin’ my eyes out listenin’ to da fuckin’ Blue Album an’ thinkin’ I’ll nevah find her, I’ll nevah know her, she’s only in dreams, only in dreams, only in dree-hehe-hehe-heheeams, and said to my’s own self “LOOK! FEAH NOT! YOU WILL FIND HER! YOU WILL BE BLESSED BY A WONDAHFUL, TALL, BEAUTIFUL FRENCH WOMAN! YOU WILL GO TO BED EVERY NIGHT SWADDLED BY A GODDESSE WHO SPEAKS HER R’S IN A SPECIFIC MANNER, HERS FROM HER SINUSES RATHA THAN DA BACK OF YA THROAT LIKE IN YOUR’S PERSONAL CASE! SHE READS BOOKS FROM GERMAN PHILOSOPHAHS LIKE DAT KLOSTAHMAN GUY WHAT WIT DA DINOSOAH EATIN AND SHE RUNS YEARS-LONG SIMULATIONS IN NHL ’24 IN WHICH SHE MOVES DA AVALANCHE BACK TO KABECK AND WINS CUP AFTAH CUP AFTAH CUP WIT DA NOAHDIQUES! JUST OPEN THA DOOR WHEN IT’S PRESENTED TO YOU! I WILL NOT TELL YOU HER NAME, I DON’T WANT YOU TO CHASE WOMEN WITH HER NAME AND I KNOW YOU BECAUSE YOU ARE ME AND I WOULDA DONE DAT, I KNOW IT – BUT BELIEVE ME THERE WILL BE A POINT IN YA LIFE IN WHICH YOU GOTTA PULL A LEVAH TO OPEN A TRAP DOOR TO DROP LIKE A HEAPIN’ PILE AH LAUNDRY DOWN BELOW INTO A BIG CHUTE AND INTO A HAMPAH AND WHEN DAT DAY COMES YOU GOTTA PULL DA DAMN LEVAH, SHE’LL COME UP RUNNIN’ LIKE “May ma-syeur, ahv drropped mah spessial red beret in zat laundry pile, if we do not get it out ze whole of ze towels in ze oahtel will become a shade of… ow-do-you-say… it’s ze color of ze flezh of ze saumon” AND YOU SAY ‘DO YOU MEAN SALMON? LIKE THE COLOR BUT ALSO THE FISH’ AND SHE’LL TANK YOU AND YOU TWO GOTTA RUMMAGE THROUGH DA USED LAUNDRY FOR A BIT BUT AS A TANKS SHE OFFAHS TO TAKE YOU OUT FOR SOME DINNAH AND IT’S REALLY LIKE DISNEY PRINCESSES FROM DERE” and he woulda turned off dat album, well he woulda allowed it to run to the end of da song, it’s at tha end of tha album anyway, regahdless, he woulda slept easy.

About Joe Bush

The guy behind and a lot of other things
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